At Tintwistle we have experience of working with children with a wide variety of special educational needs and aim to make their school experience as inclusive and enjoyable as possible. Please see our SEN information report for full details of what we can offer.
If you are applying for a school place for a child with additional needs please contact us in advance so that we can discuss your child's needs and set about putting appropriate provision in place.
If your child is already attending school and you feel that they may have additional needs please don't hesitate to contact me for a full discussion.
Jodie Vitti - Special educational needs & disability co-ordinator (SENDCO)
Telephone - 01457 852611
Email -
If you feel that your child has not been supported by the school with regards to their Special Educational Needs (SEN) please contact -
Jeanette Saxby
Lead SEND Officer (High Peak and North Dales)
01629 536503
Email: SENDenquiries.BuxtonHPeak&
Derbyshire Information, Advice and Support Service for SEND
(Formerly Parent Partnership)
Advice line open Monday to Friday 9.30am – 3.00pm
Parent number: 01629 533668
Office reception: 01629 533660